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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 11/19/2018
Town of Antrim–Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
Little Town Hall
November 19, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Select Board Chair Robert Edwards in the Little Town Hall.

Members Present: Michael Genest, Robert Edwards, John Robertson
Staff Present: Diane Chauncey, Town Clerk/Tax Collector; Jim Plourde, Road Agent; Marshall Gale, Fire Chief; Brenda Slongwhite, Welfare Director; Clark Craig, Jr, Transfer Station Director

Agenda Items:

1.      Approval of November 5, 2018 Minutes – Mr. Robertson moved to approve the November 5 Minutes; Mr. Genest seconded the motion. Passed 3/0

2.      Approval of Non-Public Minutes – 3 sets – November 5 – Mr. Genest moved to approve one set of Minutes as presented, and the other two sets, as amended; Mr. Robertson seconded. Passed 3/0

3.      2007 International Insurance Settlement and Adjustor’s Report – Next Steps – Mr. Plourde explained that the Insurance Company has totaled the truck. The International Dealer’ Repair Department has suggested to Mr. Plourde that the truck is repairable and the Town should buy back                 from the Insurance Company. After some discussion, the Board determined that Chair Edwards and Mr. Plourde should talk with the Insurance, together and iron out the details. They will report back to the Board with a final decision.

4.      Walden Green Energy et al (Joint Petitioners) – Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement Re: Town of Antrim Data Request – There was a short discussion concerning the Agreement. The Board agreed that the Agreement should be signed. The Board will have a “seat at the            table” and will be able to ask question of Walden Energy Group at the SEC testimony.

5.      Preliminary Budget Review
        •     Welfare Administration – Ms. Slongwhite explained that the year had been relatively quiet, although there has been increased activity as of October 1 – electric and fuel assistance requests. She asked that the Budget continue as is. Chair Edwards asked why the rent allocation                        was high when there had not been many request. Mr. Genest stated that the Town must be prepared for a recession or downturn in the economy. The Board thanked Ms. Slongwhite.
        •     ARTS – Mr. Craig stated that the 2019 Budget was the same  as 2018 with a few minor changes – Fuel has been up, a new container is needed, and 2% up in salaries. The Board had no questions and thanked Mr. Craig
        •     Ambulance – Chief Gale stated that he is considering a 2-team crew to commit to a 12-hour shift on the weekends. The team would be paid by the hour and additional if a Call occurred. Mr. Genest asked for a proposal in writing. A short discussion. The board thanked Chief Gale   and looked forward to his proposal.
        The following Preliminary Budgets were reviewed with no questions or discussion:
        •     Administration
        •     Street Lighting
        •     Equipment Leasing (2 vehicles)
        •     Assessing
        •     Legal
        •     Information Technology
        •     Government Buildings
        •     Contingency
        •     Patriotic Purposes
        •     Employee Benefits

6.      Update on meetings attended by Board of Selectmen –
        Planning Board – Mr. Robertson stated that the Planning Board had tentatively approved a Vision Statement for the Master Plan.
        Holden Engineering – Mr. Robertson had met with Peter Holden to review minor issues of the Highland Ave/ Pleasant St Project. Chair Edwards was interested in the “as builts” and their availability. He will call to determine.

7.      Other Business - Chair Edwards attended the NH Municipal Association conference and shared what he had learned. He had reading material for the Board as well as the Town Clerk.

8.      Mr. Edwards reported that a resident on a Class VI road thought the road was private regarding signage noting the resident’s road is a Class VI designated road.

9.      Non-Public Session under NH RSA 91-A:3 (b) Personnel- Mr. Genest moved to go into Non-Public. Mr. Robertson seconded. Passed 3/0

10.      Mr. Genest moved to return to Public Meeting; Mr. Robertson seconded. Passed 3/0

11.     Under the recommendation of Jim Plourde, Road Agent, the Board of Selectmen hired Brian Palmer as Highway Department Operator. Mr. Genest moved to approve the hire of Brian Palmer, contingent upon the background check: Mr. Robertson seconded. Passed 3/0

12.     Non-Public Session under NH RSA 91-A:3 (b) Personnel- Mr. Genest moved to go into Non-Public. Mr. Robertson seconded. Passed 3/0

13.      Mr. Genest moved to return to Public Meeting; Mr. Robertson seconded. Passed 3/0

14.     Mr. Robertson moved to adjourn. Mr. Genest seconded. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, Town Clerk/Tax Collector